Standardised Price List

Attended Funeral (funeral director’s charges only) £1,217

This is a funeral where family and friends have a ceremony, event or service for the deceased person at the same time as they attend their burial or cremation.

Taking care of all necessary legal and administrative arrangements £442

Collecting and transporting the deceased person from the place of death (hospital location normally within 40 miles of the funeral director’s premises) into the funeral director’s care £200

Care of the deceased person before the funeral in appropriate facilities. The deceased person will be kept at the funeral director’s premises  £300

Providing a suitable coffin – this will be a wood veneered coffin, standard size 6’2″ x 22″ x 12″ £225

At a date and time agreed with the funeral director, taking the deceased person direct to the agreed cemetery or crematorium (normally within 20 miles of the funeral director’s premises) in a hearse or other appropriate vehicle £400

Unattended Funeral

This is a funeral where family and friends may choose to have a ceremony, event or service for the deceased person, but they do not attend the burial or cremation itself.

Burial (funeral director’s charges only) £1,300

Cremation (funeral director’s charges plus the cremation fee**) £995

Fees you must pay

In the Buckingham area, for example, the following fees apply:

Burial fee* for our local residents £993

In our local area, the typical cost of the burial fee for local residents is £1,698

The Cremation Fee** for an Attended Cremation Funeral is £605 – £1,400

In our local area, the typical cost of a cremation for local residents is £1,008

Please discuss any specific religious, belief-based and/or cultural requirements that you have with the funeral director.

Additional Funeral Director Products and Services 

This funeral director may be able to supply a range of optional, additional products and services, or to arrange (on your behalf) for a third party to supply them. Examples include:

Additional mileage within England & Wales for distances over 80 miles £2 per mile

Additional mileage within Scotland & Northern Ireland for distances over 40 miles £2 per mile

Additional transfers of the deceased person’s body ( their home or place of worship etc.) (Price per transfer) £300

Collection and delivery of ashes £100

Embalming £70 – £300

Bespoke coffin larger than 6’2″x 23″ £300

Funeral officiant (e.g. celebrant, minister of religion etc.) £200 – £500

Services supplied outside of normal office hours £300

Additional cost for weekend service £200 – £600

Limousine hire for 2 trips (Procession address to crematorium and crematorium to the wake location) £300

Ashes delivery further than 80 miles will cost an additional mileage charge of £2 per mile

2 horses and a carriage £1,000 – £1,600

Hazardous item removal (pacemaker or defibrillator) £100

Bespoke coffins (large coffin 6’3″ x 23″ or larger) £300

Dressing of a loved one in their own clothing (without viewing) £150

Orders of Service £67 – £190

Use of Chapel of Rest including dressing £300

Use of Chapel of Rest including dressing – for Direct Cremation in Northern Ireland (includes embalming) £240

Use of funeral directors mortuary for storage longer than three weeks £15 per day

Hearse and Bearers £400

Doves £POA

Upgraded coffin £POA

Visual tribute or webcast at the service (attended funerals only) £POA

Church service £POA

Novelty hearses £POA

Wooden personalised urn or scatter tube £POA

Surcharges or additional fees may apply for the following:

Scotland £200

Northern Ireland £350

Isle of Wight £250

The funeral director can give you a full list of what they can supply. They are likely to charge for these additional products and services, so you may choose to take care of some arrangements without their involvement, or you can use a different supplier.

* This fee (which is sometimes called the interment fee) is the charge made for digging and closing a new grave, or for reopning and closing an existing grave.

** In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, you will usually need to pay doctors’ fee as well. One Doctor’s Fee is required but this can increase to two Doctors Fees if required to sign the Medical Certificates for Cremation.